Instagal – Social Icons Menu

Scroll down the page for detailed instructions

The following social media websites can be used with the Social Menu: codepen, digg, dribbble, dropbox, facebook, flickr, google plus, github, instagram, linkedin, pinterest, reddit, skype, stumbleupon, tumblr, twitter, vimeo, wordpress, youtube, behance, spotify, deviantart, soundcloud,, 500px, VK, RSS, email (mailto:), telephone (tel:)

  1. Click on Appearance -> Menus
    ModernThemes WordPress Themes
  2. Click Create a New Menu
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  3. Create a name for your Social Menu
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  4. Click Create Menu
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  5. Click on Custom Links
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  6. Add Social Icon profile links to custom link fields. In the screenshot, we use Facebook as an example
    Screen Shot 2015-10-05 at 3.29.51 PM
  7. Important: If adding an email address, use the mailto: scheme trigger (ex: If adding a telephone number, use the tel: scheme trigger (ex: tel:900-555-4000)
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    Screen Shot 2016-02-11 at 10.34.58 PM
  8. Press Add to Menu
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  9. Repeat adding Custom Links for as many social media profiles you have. Most all major social media websites will populate. Just copy and paste social media link with http:// in front.
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  10. Under Theme Locations, click Social option
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  11. Click Save Menu
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  12. To organize your links, drag the links in any order you would

Open Links in New Window

  1. If link targets are not showing, go to top of screen and click Screen Options
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  2. Click Link Target option
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  3. Go to menu links and click link to open options. Click Open Link in New Window/Tab option.
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