Resi – Gallery Filter Effects

Scroll down the page for detailed instructions

  1. Go to Appearance => Customize
    ModernThemes WordPress Themes
  2. Go to Image Gallery => Gallery Effects
    Screen Shot 2015-10-05 at 4.15.12 PM
    Screen Shot 2015-10-05 at 4.15.18 PM
  3. Click the option to add gallery filter effects to your photo gallery
    Screen Shot 2015-10-05 at 4.15.23 PM
    If you desire additional filters and the ability to add a different filter for each image, then please see our Resi Pro WordPress theme
  4. Press Save & Publish when complete
    ModernThemes WordPress Themes

Note: Currently, Internet Explorer has taken away browser support for CSS filters. It is partially supported by EDGE 13, please see this chart for information of when filters will be supported by IE.