Scroll down the page for detailed instructions
The following social media websites can be used with the Social Menu: codepen, digg, dribbble, dropbox, facebook, flickr, google plus, github, instagram, linkedin, pinterest, reddit, skype, stumbleupon, tumblr, twitter, vimeo, wordpress, youtube, behance, spotify, deviantart, soundcloud,, 500px, VK, RSS, email (mailto:), telephone (tel:)
- Click on Appearance -> Menus
- Click Create a New Menu
- Create a name for your Social Menu
- Click Create Menu
- Click on Custom Links
- Add Social Icon profile links to custom link fields. In the screenshot, we use Facebook as an example
- Important: If adding an email address, use the mailto: scheme trigger (ex: If adding a telephone number, use the tel: scheme trigger (ex: tel:900-555-4000)
- Press Add to Menu
- Repeat adding Custom Links for as many social media profiles you have. Most all major social media websites will populate. Just copy and paste social media link with http:// in front.
- Under Theme Locations, click Social option
- Click Save Menu
- To organize your links, drag the links in any order you would
Social Menu Settings
- Go to Appearance => Customize
- Go to Social Media Icons
- Customize settings based on your preferences
Open Links in New Window
- If link targets are not showing, go to top of screen and click Screen Options
- Click Link Target option
- Go to menu links and click link to open options. Click Open Link in New Window/Tab option.